Background and initial situation

A medium-sized e-commerce company that sells fashion items was faced with challenges in marketing and campaign management. The team needed help creating personalized emails, automating campaigns and analyzing campaign data. The manual creation of content and tracking of campaigns was time-consuming and often ineffective as not all customer segments were optimally reached.

Aims of the project

The main goal of the project was to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing and campaign management processes by using automated systems for personalization and analysis. Specific objectives included:

  • Automating the creation of personalized marketing content.
  • Reducing the time to execute and track campaigns.
  • Improving the accuracy and relevance of marketing messages.
  • Increasing customer retention and conversions through targeted campaigns.

Solution implementation

To achieve these goals, the AI was integrated into the company’s existing marketing and CRM systems. The implementation process followed a clearly structured plan:

a) Needs analysis and planning:
  • Identification of personalization & campaign requirements: Analyze current marketing strategies and identify areas with high automation potential, such as email marketing, social media and customer segmentation.
  • Determination of integration points: Determined the relevant systems, including the marketing automation platform (e.g. HubSpot) and the CRM system (e.g. Salesforce).
b) Development and integration:
  • Creation of workflows: Development of specific workflows for personalizing emails, creating social media content, and automated segmentation of target groups.
  • Technical integration: The AI was seamlessly integrated into the marketing automation platform and the CRM system.
c) Training and knowledge database:
  • Data import and structuring: Historical campaign data and marketing content were used to expand the AI’s knowledge base.
  • Regular updates: Planning regular updates to the knowledge base to ensure the relevance and accuracy of the content provided.

Application example and process scenario

Scenario: Creating a personalized email campaign

  • Step 1: A marketing employee initiates the creation of a new email campaign via the marketing automation platform.
    – Marketing employee: “AI, please create a personalized email campaign for our customers who have not made a purchase in the last 30 days.”
  • Step 2: The AI processes the request and retrieves relevant customer data from the CRM system.
    – AI: “One moment please, I’ll analyze the customer data and create the email campaign.”
  • Step 3: The AI generates a personalized email template.
    – AI: “Here is the suggested email template:
    Subject: We miss you! Exclusive offers for you
    Dear [customer name],
    We have missed you recently. As a small thank you for your loyalty, we would like to present you with exclusive offers. Take a look and use the code WELCOME2023 for a 20% discount on your next purchase.
    Best regards,
    Your [company name] team
  • Step 4: The marketing employee checks and approves the email template.
    – Marketing employee: “That looks good. Please schedule the email to be sent tomorrow morning.”
  • Step 5: The AI schedules the email campaign to be sent and sets it up for tracking.
    – AI: “The email campaign has been scheduled to be sent tomorrow at 9:00 am. I’ve set up tracking to monitor open and click-through rates. Do you need anything else?”
  • Step 6: The marketing employee thanks you for your support.
    – Marketing employee: “No, that’s all. Thank you very much!”
  • Step 7: The AI documents the campaign-related data and results in the CRM and marketing system.
    – AI: “You’re welcome! I have documented the campaign. Contact me at any time if you need further assistance.”

Results and benefits

After implementing the AI, there were significant improvements in marketing and campaign management:

  • Reduced content creation time: The average time for creating marketing content was reduced by 50%.
  • Improved personalization: The relevance and individualization of marketing messages led to higher open and click-through rates.
  • Increased efficiency: Marketers were able to focus on more strategic tasks as repetitive tasks were automated by AI.
  • Increased customer loyalty: Targeted and relevant campaigns led to an increase in customer loyalty and conversions.


The integration of AI into the company’s marketing and campaign management processes led to a significant increase in the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing work. By automating content creation and targeting customer segments, valuable time was freed up and the quality of marketing campaigns was significantly improved. Future enhancements could include the implementation of additional communication channels and the use of advanced analysis tools to further optimize marketing strategies.